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PingOne Connection

Connecting PingOne to Drata allows personnel to be synchronized into Drata and to provision accounts for each.

Updated over 2 weeks ago


  • The email domain of the account connecting the IdP must match each of the personnel’s email domains that you would like to sync. Personnel with different domains or multiple domains are not synced.

    • If you need to sync multiple email domains, please reach out to our Technical Support team.

  • For individuals who has SSO configured:

    • If your Drata tenant has previously connected to PingOne using our Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) connection, you can maintain that connection.

  • For individuals who are using Privileged Access Manager:

Initial setup and connection details

Note: There is a delay between the initial connection and the first import of accounts. At the longest, this should take no more than one hour for individuals who are syncing hundreds of accounts.

There are three parts to the PingOne integration:

  1. Connect PingOne as an Identity Provider: Sync personnel into Drata by opening the Drata connection drawer and entering the necessary connection details

  2. Connect PingOne as an Enterprise SSO Provider: Allow personnel to use single sign-on (SSO) to access Drata.

  3. Limit the Scope for Drata (Optional): Limit the synchronization to a specific subset of personnel.

Connect PingOne as an Identity Provider

  1. Select Connections from the left-side navigation menu.

  2. Select the Available connections tab and then search for PingOne. Then, select the connect button.

  3. Follow the instructions in the connection drawer carefully.

    • Enable the permission level Read all users in the modal. Paste the required values in each field as indicated.

Connect PingOne as an Enterprise SSO Provider

If you did not connect the Enterprise Single Sign-on connection, after connecting PingOne, the following banner is displayed:

If Enterprise SSO connection is not connected, only administrators will be able to log in to Drata with magic link functionality.

To connect Enterprise SSO, on the Connections page navigate to Enterprise Single Sign-On connection filter.

Limit the Scope for Drata (Optional)

Note: Drata does not support nested groups. We will sync members in the top level of the specified group, but not individual members in second-level or further groups.

After establishing the connection, you can optionally limit the synchronization to a specific group of individuals by following these steps:

  1. Select the small edit icon to the far right of Setup details.

  2. Designate a PingOne group to sync with. Make sure this group includes the Drata administrator as well. You may want to navigate to the PingOne group page.

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