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Control Owners

Assign, remove and filter by control owners

Updated over a year ago

You may have specific people responsible for your controls–to ensure the right evidence is associated, that any automated tests are passing, to help prepare for an audit, etc. Drata enables you to assign one or more control owners to each control.


Only account administrators, information security leads, control managers, and workspace managers can be a control owner, as well as assign or remove control owners.


You can assign (and remove) control owners within the control drawer as well as from the control list view on either the Framework or Controls pages. Control owners are optional.

Select a control to open the control drawer. In the 'Control Owners' section, you'll see all owners for that control and from here you can assign owners. Selecting a person automatically assigns them as an owner.

To remove an owner, click on the 'X' in the pill to remove the owner.

NOTE: If a control owner has their account administrator, information security lead, control manager, or workspace manager role removed, or their employment status is changed to 'Former Employee' or 'Former Contractor', they will no longer be a control owner and you'll be able to assign a new one.

NOTE: Workspace managers with read-only access cannot be assigned as a control owner. This applies even to the workspace(s) over which the user is a manager.

Additionally, you can assign one or more control owners to multiple controls at once. Select one or more controls and click the control owner icon to open the 'Control Owners' modal.

NOTE: If a person is an owner of some, but not all, the selected controls, they will not display as a control owner in the modal.

The modal has two tabs: 'Assign' and 'Remove'. The 'Assign' tab displays any users already assigned as owners for all the selected controls. From here you can add more owners to those controls. Click 'Assign' to save changes and close the modal.

The 'Remove' tab you can remove one or more control owners from all selected controls. Click 'Remove' to save changes and close the modal.

To see the control owners for a specific control from the list view, hover over the owner icon. If there are more than three owners, select the control to see the full list.

You can filter controls by control owner to easily see which controls have assigned owners, as well as see controls owned by specific people.

Control owners are included in each control-related CSV download–in the 'Control Owners' column–including the framework specific and general controls downloads.

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