There are some tasks that need to be completed every 12 months to ensure your company maintains its security posture. One such annual task is for employees/contractors to complete the Security Awareness Training. In order to do this, the completed training must be reset and Drata gives you the flexibility to do this on your timeline. You can apply this reset individually or in bulk through the action menu.
Only account administrators or information security leads have access to this functionality.
Completed security awareness training can be reset for all personnel, bulk for a subset of personnel individually, or individually.
In all three cases, you will be prompted to confirm your choice as this reset action cannot be undone. Once confirmed, the completed Security Awareness Training will be reset and the compliance check on the Personnel table, in the Personnel Detail drawer, and in the My Drata employee onboarding will display as 'Incomplete' or 'Failed'.
All current personnel
Learn how to reset the completed Security Awareness Training for all current personnel.
From the Personnel page, select the 'Actions' button and select 'Reset Security Training'. Ensure that no checkboxes are checked for any individual Personnel rows.
Bulk for a subset of personnel
Learn how to reset the completed Security Awareness Training in bulk for a subset of personnel.
From the Personnel page, select the checkbox on the left-hand column for each desired personnel. After selecting the list of personnel, select the 'Actions' button and select 'Reset security training.β
Individual current or former personnel
Learn how to reset completed Security Awareness Training for individual current or former personnel.
From the Personnel page, select an individual to open the Personnel Detail drawer. Select the ellipse (the three-dot icon) and select 'Reset Security Training'.
From this point, employees will be able to retake their Security Awareness Training or upload evidence, depending on which option was selected in the 'Internal Security' settings.
Past evidence of security training completion will remain visible in each user's Personnel drawer. But, since this evidence of completion has now been reset (i.e. the expiration date has been set to today), it can no longer serve to count for passing the compliance check.
Partner Offers & Discounts
Drata has direct partnership with KnowBe4 for first time and new customers. Get 25% off a 1 or 3 year subscription of KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training by visiting
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