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Create Tickets for Asana

Create an Asana ticket through Drata associated with risk, control, or test.

Updated over a week ago


Managing your framework requirements can require coordination and collaboration with other members of your organization. Drata has the ability to integrate with your company’s Asana setup, create tasks, and assign them to members of your organization.


  • Users with admin or information security leads access can create and view Asana tickets within Drata, however, a user must have Admin access in order to set up or edit the Asana connection

  • Drata pulls in the required Asana fields as determined by your specific Asana configuration, including Projects, Task Types, and other fields


Enabling write access with Asana

  • When Asana is connected, the “write access” enables additional functionality that allows you to create Asana tickets (or tasks as they are called on Asana) through Drata.

  • The “write access” toggle is automatically enabled. If you do not want to enable “write access” then you can toggle it off. If it is toggled “off”, you will not be able to create tickets with Asana.

  • The slide-out panel will provide step-by-step instructions to set up the connection.

Creating Asana Tickets via Drata

  • When 'Write Access' is enabled you are able to create tickets from any Control Details, Test Details, or Risk Details (in Risk Management) drawer.

  • If there are no tickets currently associated to a Control, Test, or Risk, you will be prompted to create one to get started.

  • Choose a project. You can select a Project where you want the ticket to be created in.

  • Choose a ticket type. You can select a Task or Subtask that you can create in Drata for Asana.

    • If you select Subtask, you will be prompted to select a Parent Task that you want to associate with the Subtask. The options will be currently open Parent Tasks that have been created.

  • Complete your ticket details. Drata will pull all the fields from your Asana account for that ticket type. The Title and Description will be auto-filled with information about the control, risk, or test.

  • The fields will follow the configurations set up in Asana. For example, if a field is set up to only accept numeric values on Asana, then you can only enter numbers in that field on Drata.

  • Click on Create ticket once you are finished completing the ticket details you’d like to input.

Viewing and Managing Tickets in Drata

  • When Asana tickets have been created for a specific Control, Test, or Risk (in Risk Management), they will display within the drawer. The most recently added ticket will display at the top of the list.

  • Each ticket listing includes the following information:

    • Ticket Summary / Short Description – as entered by the user

    • Date the ticket was created

    • Date the ticket was updated

    • Ticket Status – as reported by Asana
      Note: the ticket status is determined by the “section” name that a ticket is in on Asana.

    • Name of Assignee – tickets can be assigned to any selectable Asana User. This user does not need to be a information security leads or admin in Drata.

    • Name of the person who created the ticket

  • To view, edit, and manage a ticket, click the Manage in Asana link and you'll be taken to Asana.

  • To download the ticket information, click on Download ticket. This will download a zip which will contain a pdf of the ticket details along with any attachments associated to that ticket.

  • To unlink a ticket from the control, test, or risk, click Remove. Unlinking a ticket will not delete the ticket in your Asana account. Note: once a ticket is removed, it cannot be re-linked.

  • A maximum of three ‘In Progress’ tasks will display in the list in the drawer. To see all tickets associated with a particular Control, Test, or Risk (in Risk Management), click the ‘View all tasks’ link and a modal will open.

  • Here the tickets are divided into two standardized categories, 'In Progress' and 'Done':

    • In Progress – Tickets that are not marked as “complete” in your Asana instance.

    • Done – Tickets in a completed state in your Asana instance, i.e. Closed, Done, etc.

  • Only tickets created in Drata for that specific Control, Test, or Risk (in Risk Management) will display in Drata. Tickets created directly in Asana will not be pulled into the Drata application for ticket management.

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