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Residual Risk

Visualize residual risk directly from the Risk Register

Updated over a month ago

Residual Risk represents the remaining risk after mitigation or transfer. The inherent risk is the untreated risk, calculated as Likelihood × Impact (e.g., 5 × 5). The difference between the inherent risk score and the residual risk score helps assess the effectiveness of risk mitigation efforts—a larger gap suggests stronger risk reduction.

On the Risk Management page within the Register tab, the table displays both the inherent score and the residual score for easy comparison.

Add residual risk score

The residual risk only applies to risks for which you've applied one of the following treatment types: 'Mitigated' or 'Transferred'.

  1. Select a risk.

  2. Enter the Impact and Likelihood under Assessment section.

  3. Select Mitigated or Transferred for the treatment to add the residual risk score. ​

  4. Save and the risk register will update with the changes.

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