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Updated over 4 months ago

The Compliance section of your Trust page can be used to add files and custom compliance records to showcase your compliance against global standards.

All content available for this section is pulled from the your "Evidence Library".

Add files

  1. Navigate to your Trust Center page in Drata. Ensure you are on the Editors tab.

  2. Scroll down to the Compliance section and select the edit icon.

  3. Select Add Evidence.

  4. Select the reports that you would like to upload to your Trust Center. These items are coming form your Evidence Library page in Drata. You can search and multi-select reports to be added to your compliance section in your Trust center.

    • The order of your reports or files in your Trust Center is based on when the file was most recently uploaded. This order cannot be changed once a file has been uploaded.

  5. Save your selection and then scroll down to the report you just added. You can set the status and compliance logo for that report.

    • Private or Public status:

      • If you have an NDA uploaded in your “Trust Center Settings” of your Trust Center, all files uploaded to your Trust Center will be set to “Private” by default, but can be changed to “Public”. If you do not have an NDA uploaded, all files will be set to “Public” and cannot be changed to “Private”.

      • If you have an NDA uploaded and files set as “Private”, you cannot delete your NDA until you remove or change the files to “Public”.

    • Compliance logo:

      • Select the dropdown menu to select one of the options. General is chosen by default.

      • Selecting one of the frameworks will display the respective badge for that framework next to the file in your compliance section.

      • In the following image the first logo is the SOC framework and the second log is the General framework type.

Add Custom Records

These can be used for HIPAA, GDPR, or any standards that you want to showcase in the compliance section.

  1. Navigate to your Trust Center page in Drata. Ensure you are on the Editors tab.

  2. Scroll down to the Compliance section and select the edit icon.

  3. Select Add Custom Record.

  4. Enter the custom record title, description, and logo. You can set the logo by selecting one of the options in the dropdown menu.

Remove custom record or an evidence

  1. Navigate to your Trust Center page in Drata. Ensure you are on the Editors tab.

  2. Scroll down to the Compliance section and select the edit icon.

  3. Within your Compliance drawer, scroll down to the custom record or evidence you would like to remove and select the minus () icon.

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