Connect to Notion
Jane Baik avatar
Written by Jane Baik
Updated over a week ago

Connect Notion to Drata to sync and manage policies seamlessly. Now, you can expand your policies while utilizing Drata for the approval and acknowledgement of those policies.


  • Ensure the personnel connecting Notion to Drata also has administrative access to an enterprise Notion workspaces that contain the policy pages.

Configure the pages so that it is ready to sync into Drata

  • Ensure that the pages are not personal pages or pages in private spaces.

  • Ensure that the pages do not contain database blocks.

  • Pages with attachments are synced but the attachments are not synced.

Enable Notion

  1. Select Connections on the side navigation menu.

  2. Select the Available connections tab, search for Notion, and select Connect.

    • You are redirected to Notion when you select Connect. On Notion, Allow access to grant Drata access to your Notion workspace.

External resources

Read more about how to use an External Policy Integration.

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