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Controls: Notifications for Required Approvals
Controls: Notifications for Required Approvals
Dana Mauger avatar
Written by Dana Mauger
Updated over a week ago


It is crucial for organizations to both maintain and determine control readiness. With Drata, you can set up internal reviews and approvals for your controls, reducing complex processes and various tools.


  • Roles with write-access to the Control page will have access to act on and manage Required Approvals. The roles include admins, information security leads, workspace managers, and control managers.

  • Account administrator roles must set up Microsoft Teams and Slack notifications for the organization before setting up the required approval notifications. To see if you are an account admin go to ‘Company settings’ and then ‘Notifications’. You must be an Account Admin to set up Slack and Microsoft Teams notifications. This can be found under Company Settings → Notifications.

  • Roles with write access can select the email notifications for the required approvals by going to Settings.


Set Up Email Notifications

The control owners are notified when:

  • The approver requests change on the required approval.

  • The required approval review stage is updated to ‘Approved’.

  • Controls with a review stage of ‘Approved’ is updated to ‘Prepare for Approvers’ because a new evidence is added into Evidence Library.

  • Your control is approved.

The approvers are notified when:

  • A control needs the approver's approval.

  • Another approver has approved a control that you were assigned to approve.

Select your avatar in the left hand navigation bar and select ‘Settings’.

Select ‘Notifications’ under ‘My Settings’.

To receive email notifications, turn on ‘Control approval notification assigned to me’.

To receive email notifications when there is a internal note added, turn on ‘Controls: New internal notes added’.

The control owner and approvers will receive email notifications when there is a internal note added.

Set Up Microsoft Teams Notification for Required Approvals

Ensure you are an account admin, and you have Microsoft Teams connected to Drata. If you did not connect to Microsoft Teams, go to Drata Microsoft Teams App Support documentation to learn more.

Go to My Settings → Company Settings → Notifications. You can only access ‘Company Settings’ if you are an account administrator.

Select ‘+ New Notification’.

Select ‘Required approvals’. Microsoft Team notifications is sent to Microsoft Teams channels and cannot be directly sent to personnels. Once you select ‘Schedule Notification’, you’ve successfully added Microsoft Teams notifications to the channel.

Set Up Slack Notifications

Select your avatar in the left hand navigation bar and select ‘Settings’.

Go to My Settings → Company Settings → Notifications. You will only have access to ‘Company Settings’ if you are an Account Admin.

Select ‘+ New Notification’ and ‘Required approvals’.

For Slack notifications, you can add Slack channels and notify personnels. Selecting a Slack channel sends the required approval notifications to a specific Slack channel. Selecting ‘Notify Personnel’ sends the notification directly to the control owner and approvers.

Select ‘Schedule Notification’ to successfully set up Slack notifications.

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