Updating the Human Resources page of Drata provides evidence of controls linked to background checks, hiring, employment agreements, and evaluations.
Only account administrators have access to this section within Drata.
Configure Background Checks in Drata
You can configure how background checks are handled in Drata by navigating to the Human Resources page and then the Background checks section.
You can either select the option to allow your personnel to initiate background checks or manually upload a completed background check.
After making your selection, be sure to save or update your changes.
Option 1: Allow your personnel to initiate background checks
Use one of Drata's partners to allow personnel to initiate new background checks directly through Drata. This allows employees to request a background check from their My Drata page, using a selected provider.
Depending on the displayed provider, ensure that it is properly connected to Drata. Here are a few of the background check provider available:
Option 2: Manually upload completed background checks
The Completed background checks will be manually uploaded per employee on the Personnel page or automated via connection option allows background checks to be manually uploaded for each employee on their Personnel page.
Note: This setting only affects the My Drata page for employees. If you integrate a background check provider while selecting manual uploads, Drata will still retrieve completed checks from the provider.
Partner Offers & Discounts
Drata has direct partnerships and discounted pricing for first time and new customers of Checkr and Amiqus. Check out more partner offers and discounts.
Checkr: Global background checks. Get $100 credit by using the code
when creating your account through Drata. Credit will be applied towards future invoices until exhausted.Amiqus: Focused on UK background checks. Visit https://amiqus.co/partners/amiqus-x-drata to get 10% off your first 3 months.
Note: Amiqus cannot be directly integrated with Drata.
Careers Website
Next, you will provide a link to where you post jobs publicly online. Paste the link in the box provided. After making your selection, be sure to save or update your changes.
Sample Engineering Job Description
Upload a sample job description for an engineering role. This can be provided as a document, spreadsheet, or PDF.
Select Browse to select a file from your computer.
To re-upload, delete the previous file and then you will be able to select Browse. After making your selection, be sure to save or update your changes.
Company ORG Chart
Upload your company’s org chart as a document, spreadsheet, or PDF. The chart should include employee names, roles, and reporting lines.
Select Browse to select a file from your computer.
To re-upload, delete the previous file and then you will be able to select Browse. After making your selection, be sure to save or update your changes.
Sample Employment Agreement
Add a sample employment agreement. It should include an NDA and a section for the employee to sign.
Select Browse to select a file from your computer.
To re-upload, delete the previous file and then you will be able to select Browse. After making your selection, be sure to save or update your changes.
Employee Performance Evaluation Process
Upload a document, spreadsheet, or PDF describing your company’s employee performance evaluation process.
Select Browse to select a file from your computer.
To re-upload, delete the previous file and then you will be able to select Browse. After making your selection, be sure to save or update your changes.