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Personnel overview
Personnel overview

The Personnel page provides a list of all personnel and their status

Faraz Yaghouti avatar
Written by Faraz Yaghouti
Updated over a week ago

The 'Personnel' page provides you one place to easily see where all employees stand on key compliance items and follow up with them accordingly.


Only account administrators or information security leads have access to this section within Drata.


On the 'Personnel' page, you are able to filter to the stage of employment you would like to view. You can also filter based on the employee's compliance status (true or false). You can also search for a specific employee by name using the search box in the upper right.

Once you have filtered to the population or individual you're looking to view, you have a plethora of information at your fingertips.

Starting with the 'Currently Compliant?' column, you'll note that if someone is compliant, the mail icon will be green. If they are not compliant, it will instead be red. By clicking that icon, you can send a reminder email to the employee to complete their employee onboarding steps (leading to compliance). Below you will see an example of the email that would be sent.

Next you will see their name and email.

Then, their 'Status' allows you to distinguish between those that are current employees, former employees, current contractors, former contractors or accounts that are out of scope.

From there, you will see the 'Hire Date', depending on the connections you have set, this will be pulled from either your Identity Provider or HRIS (HRIS is the default if connected). If an employee leaves or is let go, you will see their 'Separation Date' displayed. You also have the ability to manually edit or update these fields by clicking on the date and using the calendar modal to select the intended 'Hire Date' or 'Separation Date'.

The remaining fields are pulled in via the Drata Agent or completed via employee onboarding to ensure compliance:

Status Sync: You may need or want to be able to reset manual changes made to a personnel record. Currently, if you make a manual change, that disables the ability for the HRIS to sync and bring in more data for that particular field. This reset functionality will allow you to account for an error or mistake. Learn more!

Drata Agent Installed: A green shield will be present once the Drata Agent has been installed by this employee.

Accepted Policies: This will show a green checkmark when the employee has accepted all available policies.

Identity MFA: This will show a green checkmark when the employee utilizes MFA via the Identity Provider.

BG Check: When a background check has been completed for the employee, this will show a green checkmark.

Security Training: When the employee has uploaded evidence of completing their security training, this will show a green checkmark.

Password Manager: If the Drata Agent identified a Password Manager on this employee's computer, a green checkmark will be present.

Auto Updates: If the employee has enabled auto updates, a green checkmark will be visible here.

Disk Encrypted: The Drata Agent will confirm the employee has their disk encrypted.

Anti-Virus: The Drata Agent will ensure the employee is utilizing an anti-virus software and if so, a green checkmark will be present.

Lock Screen: Employees will configure their screen to require a login if the screen saver has been active for 60 seconds. If this is true, you will see a green checkmark.

OS Version: The Drata Agent will record the Operating System currently installed on the employees computer.

Workstation Serial #: The computer serial number will be listed here.

Apps: The number of apps the employee has on their device will be reported here. For more details on what the apps are, click the arrow to the right and scroll down to apps.

When you click the arrow to the right at the end of an employee row, a drawer will open with more details. You will see dates and times for when each check was last performed.

You will also see the option to upload a background check for an employee. When you click the 'Add Background Check' button, you will be given the option to paste in a link to the completed background check as well as the data on which it was completed.

You can also view or upload evidence for the security training and MFA by clicking 'View/Upload Evidence'.


In the upper righthand corner of the 'Personnel' page, you will also see the option to download personnel data. You can either download ‘Compliance overview’ CSV or ‘Policy acceptance’ overview CSV for all or filtered personnel.

  • Compliance overview - this contains compliance check details, as shown in the personnel table in the ‘detailed’ view, as a CSV.

  • Policy acceptance - this CSV contains a detailed breakdown of your personnel’s policy acceptance posture, including overall summary statuses and a breakdown of status on each active and assigned policy.

Add Former Personnel

Also in the upper righthand corner there is a large blue button 'Add Former Personnel'. When you click the button a drawer will extend from the right side of the screen allowing you to enter in details for a former employee you'd like to add to Drata for tracking purposes and for linking to other accounts (ex. infrastructure accounts to show an audit trail for access control).

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