Managing your personnel audit scope is an important part of maintaining your compliance. As your organization grows, you may want to track personnel in Drata that have a start date in the future without them impacting your compliance.
Before Diving In…
If you manually set a future hire date for a personnel in Drata, that will stop the IdP and HRIS sync for that personnel’s hire dates. You can reset the sync for that personnel when you want to. Click here to learn more.
The only way to set a future hire status for an employee is for them to have a future start date in Drata. This can either be done manually or through an HRIS sync.
This is also why you cannot change the employment status of personnel in bulk to be future hires.
The only way to update the employment status of a future hire is to first change the start date to the present date or one in the past. You can then manually set the employment status.
Future hires are treated the same as Out of Scope personnel in Drata – they are not evaluated for any of your personnel compliance checks or monitoring tests in Drata.
Manually Set Future Start Date
Select the personnel you want to update. Click on the edit icon in the Hire Date section.
Select a start date in the future and click Submit
The personnel will now be set as a Future Hire employment status.
Future hires are treated the same as Out of Scope personnel in Drata – they are not evaluated for any of your personnel compliance checks or monitoring tests in Drata.
You can edit the business rationale by clicking on Edit Business Rationale
You can still upload device compliance evidence for devices associated with future hire status personnel. Note: because future hire personnel are not evaluated for monitored tests in Drata, the compliance state of the device will not impact your compliance posture until that personnel is no longer a future hire.
IdP & HRIS sync
If you set a start date in the future for a personnel in your HRIS, the next day when Drata syncs with your HRIS, that personnel will be set as a future hire employment status with the corresponding start date you set in your HRIS.
Note: If you add personnel to your IdP before they are added to your HRIS, that means the personnel will be added to Drata before they are in your HRIS.
In this case, you can manually set that personnel’s start date in the future.
Once they are added to your HRIS, you can reset the HRIS sync in Drata for that personnel to make sure the date from your HRIS is getting pulled in.
Anytime you manually change a start date for a personnel in Drata, the HRIS sync will no longer update hire date information for that personnel on daily basis. To re-establish this sync, you need to resest the HRIS sync for that personnel in Drata. Click here to learn more how to do this.
View Future Hire Personnel in Drata
On the personnel page, click on the dropdown for Filter by Status. If you scroll to the bottom, you can select Future Hire