Publishing your Trust page is a simple one-click action.
By default, your Trust Center will be unpublished. You will have the ability to publish and unpublish your Trust Center as needed with a Publish button in your Trust page editor.
When unpublished:
The Trust Center header will indicate that your Trust page is unpublished with a gray circle
Visitors to your public Trust page will see an empty state with your logo (if uploaded) and your Trust page headline or display name, along with a message saying “This page is under construction. Check back soon.”
When published:
The Trust Center header will indicate that your Trust page is published with a green circle
Visitors to your public Trust page will see your populated Trust page.
If there is no content on your Trust page, they will see an empty state with your logo (if uploaded) and your Trust page headline or display name, along with a message saying “This page is under construction. Check back soon.”